Local store is ready for Christmas

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Lexington, Ky. (WTVQ) — Well Christmas is almost here and some people are still doing last minute shopping.

One local store spoke about shopping ahead of the holidays.

“Let me tell you this has been the most wonderful Christmas ever,” said Julie Head, manager at Ada & Lo. “Everybody has been filled with joy and happy and we have just been dancing, and singing and wrapping presents left and right. And the shoppers have been out shopping, that’s the most important thing. We really love being here for them.”

And as the holiday season got closer, the more shoppers Ada & Lo seemed to have.

“I always like to do a social experiment on people, because the first week everyone’s looking around at how great everything is. Then right before they get honed in and everybody’s honed in on the gifts they want to get. So, yes let me tell you they’re serious right now. ”

Head says one of her favorite parts of the holiday season, is the happiness it brings to customers.

“You know we try to bring joy all around. That’s one of our purposes, our main purpose. It’s so wonderful when people come in and they light up when they come in. So we love having people from all around. Local, we have wonderful regular customers, but we also enjoy seeing people come from out of town.”

For everyone out in Lexington Head has one thing to say.

“Have a very merry Christmas from Ada & Lo. We love you, mwah!”

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