Bourbon n’ Toulouse keeping the arts alive

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LEXINGTON, Ky. (ABC36 NEWS NOW) — Bourbon n’ Toulouse is doing their part in helping Cassidy Elementary students share their creative side. The restaurant has dedicated some valuable wall estate to the artwork of these students.

“Some of our first misfit employees were all art majors at UK so art’s always been a big thing to us,” co-owner Kevin Heathcoat said.

So, when Kevin and his wife heard about Cassidy Elementary cutting a portion of their art program, they decided to do something to help keep the arts alive.

“We’ve had a lot of kids come in and hang their art and it’s all beautiful in its own way,” Heathcoat said. “It’s just been cool to see these young kids come in and get a place on the wall and become true artists.”

When you walk into the restaurant, you can see all types of unique art, which now includes pieces from students at the school right down the street.

“Cassidy Elementary is two blocks away so this is something that hits home for us,” Heathcoat said.

Cassidy Elementary parents, teachers and staff are working to partner with local art organizations to make sure their students get the opportunity to keep creating.

“A lot of parents and teachers alike have been very appreciative of what we have done just to bring light to the situation,” he said.

Heathcoat says art is just as important as any other curriculum.

“It’s not just reading, writing and arithmetic, not everybody is going to be a doctor, a lawyer or even a plumber, or an electrician,” he said. “These kids need art as a release to get away from the normal day-to-day academics, and as they grow, it’s an expression of creativity that we’re cutting out of a curriculum that needs to be there.”



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